BCCP Information & Resources


The Breast & Cervical Cancer Program in Indiana is a CDC grant held by the Indiana Department of Health.  Through this grant, the state is able to provide screening, diagnostic and case management services & outreach to thousands of Hoosier women. 

State BCCP Website - https://www.in.gov/isdh/24967.htm

BCCP Indiana Brochure in English

BCCP Indiana Brochure in Spanish



Each region has multiple providers who provide the following services:

Clinical Breast Exams, Mammograms (screening & diagnostic), Ultrasounds, Biopsies, MRIs, Paps, HPV testing, Colposcopy, Diagnostic LEEPs & Surgical Consults

Note: all diagnostic services require an approved service request by the state BCCP nurse. 


To Enroll as a Patient:

Check with your primary care provider or imaging center to see if they offer BCCP at their facility.  If they don't or you do not have a provider, call the regional office to enroll. 



United Health Services
6910 N. Main Street, Building 9, Mail Unit 10
Granger, Indiana 46530

Phone: 574-314-5421 & leave a message to be called back  Fax: 574-247-6061

Spanish BCCP Line: (574) 314-5432  


Lauren Dietz Gorski, Regional Coordinator
Office: 574-314-5422
Email: Ldietz@uhs-in.org


Clinical questions: Rosie Thrasher, RN BSN, BCCP IDOH Nurse

Cell: (317) 719-4915    Fax: (317) 234-2699   Email: LThrasher@health.in.gov


Central Region: YWCA of Greater Lafayette 765-742-4375

Southern Region: Southern Health Centers of Southern Indiana 812-920-2841



Call Lauren or email her at Ldietz@uhs-in.org to schedule and discuss the new system within your office. 

BCCP Indiana and UHS will need to have a manager or contract approval before adding new logins.  




Providers must be enrolled with the state BCCP office to be reimbursed through this program.  This program will only reimburse the Medicare approved rates which must be accepted as full payment. The program does not provide treatment reimbursement. Diagnosed patients are eligible for a special form of Indiana Medicaid at the higher income guideline called Option 3 or Medicaid 12.

To enroll as a a provider, please contact the regional office


Option 3 Medicaid:

If you are a woman already diagnosed with breast or cervical cancer, you may be eligible for Medicaid Option 3 to cover your healthcare while in treatment.  Please contact Judy Kapoun, RN with the Indiana Department of Health at 317-607-8393.