About Covering Kids & Families of UHS

What is CKF?

Covering Kids & Families of Indiana has a mission to get all Hoosiers covered by helping individuals and families through the process of getting health insurance.  CKF Indiana builds coalitions with local agencies so your help is local, free and unbiased. 

United Health Services is home to the coalition in north central Indiana.  The counties we serve are Elkhart, Marshall, Pulaski, Starke, and St. Joseph.   


What is a navigator and why use one?

A navigator is an individual who is set up to help consumers with questions and enrollment into the state and federal insurances available.  Using a navigator increases your chances of being accepted into the programs and can give you peace of mind during the application process.  They may have extra information to help you make an informed decision. 


Use our online scheduler to set a time with a certified navigator today.  CKF-UHS has navigators who speak English & Spanish. 

If you live outside our area, please check CKF Indiana's website for a local coalition to help. 

What to Bring to Your Appointment Worksheet