Training Programs

The Suicide Prevention Center provides several types of prevention programs so that all people will know how to intervene and prevent death by suicide.

Yellow Ribbon Suicide Prevention Program* is a life-saving program for youth. This program teaches help-seeking behavior in youth, debunks myths about suicide and a teaches a plan for preparedness if a crisis arises. We currently offer this training in all area middle and high schools. We also offer the grade-school version for elementary school children, which is a curriculum to develop resiliency and help-seeking behavior at a young age.
Here is a link to a Yellow Ribbon video that explains the program.

*This program is available in Spanish.
*Este programa tambien esta disponible en Espanol.  

Cost: Free; donatation requested (in any amount; no school is turned away for inability to make a donation)

Email: or call 574-314-5426 to schedule for your school
Question, Persuade, Refer (QPR) is an emergency response to someone in crisis and saves lives. Just like CPR, QPR empowers all people, regardless of their background, to make a positive difference in the life of someone they know. It is a two hour practical and proven suicide prevention training for adults. It focuses on increased awareness of risk and referral options to the public.
This QPR program fulfills the requirements for the new Teacher License per the State Senate Bill 4 (IC20-18-2-22(b))

Contact us for pricing and to make arrangements for a QPR presentation for your organization.

Email: or call 574-314-5426 to schedule your group. 
Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASISTis an in-depth two-day interactive session where adult participants learn to intervene and help prevent the immediate risk of suicide.  Nurses, physicians, mental health professionals, pharmacists, teachers, counselors, youth workers, police, first responders, correctional staff, school support staff, clergy and volunteers have all found that ASIST complements their existing training and knowledge. Completion of the ASIST program fulfills the requirements for the new Teacher License per the State Senate Bill 4 (IC20-18-2-22(b)).

The two-day ASIST program is offered to community members several times a yearl through the Suicide Prevention Center. Attendance is required on both days. Upcoming training is to be announced.

In this workshop you will have an opportunity to explore your experiences with and your attitudes about suicide.  You will also have an opportunity to better understand the needs of a person at risk of suicide and learn how to use suicide first aid to meet those needs. 

If these activities concern you, contact Kent Laudeman 547-314-5426 or Barbara Gulbranson at 547-314-5426 or before registering. Some people may register for ASIST looking for either Suicide First Aid for yourself, bereavement services or some other kind of help.  If so, we encourage you to take this workshop at a later date when you don’t feel so vulnerable.

Cost: $165 per participant

Safe Talk is a Living Works on-line program that is available during COVID 19 where their Living Works Start digital training program teaches life saving skills on line.  The individual practices with verbal and texting skills during suicide ideation and intervention.  This is a 3 hour program and the cost for the on-line training with a certificate of completion is $30.00.   See:

Work in Progress:  Columbia Suicide Severity Rating Scale (C-SSRS).  Why the screener?  6 questions or less that asks about suicide ideation, intent, & past behavior leading to a better prediction of suicide risk which can save lives.  Helps determine low, medium, and high risk and steps to be taken at each level.  Developed by the National Institute of mental Health an evidence-supported tool.  Interested in learning more contact Kent Laudeman, for more details.